Studio Owner Article
How to Increase Revenue …
Business Building Part IV
The ultimate plan for customer retention
The ultimate plan for customer retention
Teaching beginner classes certainly requires a definite mindset and use of personality. As teachers, we all enjoy teaching the most advanced students and trying out our choreography on them. It is immensely satisfying to see students that you have trained …
Turnout is an extremely important element of many dance techniques. Dance teachers around the world are faced with the same issues of how to help their students’ turnout in a safe and effective way. Serious ballet schools very often will …
Finding and nurturing the right team to help you grow your business.
Sharon, a dance studio owner, asked me to consult with her not too long ago. As I walked in, there she was, waiting for me. I barely had time to take my coat off before she started.
Many studio owners have found that by including hip hop classes on their schedules they are attracting more recreational students to come through their doors. Hip hop is a form of dance that gives the impression that anyone can do …
I know that the last thing you need is more work, but creating a newsletter for your business is a great way to stay connected to your customers. Each year dance schools are faced with the challenge of customer retention. …
Over the years I have heard from many dance teachers who would like to branch out and start their own dance school. They are ready to take the leap and become an entrepreneur, but often the reason why they want …
Parents are always amazed when young dancers are able to get out on stage by themselves and remember their dance without coaching from the sidelines or the front of the theatre. I’m talking about the youngsters in the 3 to …
Shin splints, or Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome, is an injury that affects many dancers. It causes discomfort and pain in dancers of all levels. By understanding the condition, you can help prevent it, or recognize the symptoms early on so …
The Marketing Plan That Works
For most dance schools the first contact with your customers is via the phone. Make the most of it or pay the consequences. The key is to train all of your staff to answer the phone with a technique that …
Gathering and utilizing authentic customer testimonials is a great way to a) get closer to your customers and b) offer proof that your dance school delivers results. People can be very motivated by the comments of their peers.
Every day is a challenge for studio owners no matter how big or small your studio is. I think I can safely say that each day presents a new set of problems and issues that need to be resolved. Of …
Beauty and stage 'directions' that will give you the winning edge!