Are you making any New Year's resolutions this year? Here are four important steps to keep in mind not only for this time of year, but all year round…
1 - State your desire
Be very clear but not totally specific about what it is that you want. Don't assign a day, date and time when this will come to pass, just make the general request. "I want to realize a greater level of abundance in my life this year" is perfect without being too exact.
2 - Do you believe it's yours? - Do you see yourself in it?
If you secretly don't believe you are worthy of the results you are asking for, you won't realize them so make sure you are feeling totally positive and crystal clear concerning your wish.
3 - Know that it already exists
Seeing and more importantly, feeling the end result before you even take the next step to get there is the very thing that makes your wish so much easier for The Universe to fulfill.
4 - Expect it - Be thankful
Now let it go and The Universe will go about bringing it to you in Its own and perfect timing. Feel thankful that you are in such good company and feel how excited you'll be to receive what it is that you've asked for
New Year's resolutions are nothing more than the very same exercise you've been consciously and subconsciously using to create the steps that make up your life journey.
Now you'll be able to facilitate more positive changes at New Year's ...and every day of the year.
Here’s wishing you all my best for the new year, and any year!
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