Using seasonal events to do costumer appreciation is a great way to show your costumers that you value their business. If done correctly you can also use these events to get your name out and bring in new students. Halloween is a great time to produce an event that will appeal to children of ages 2-14. As with any event the planning that goes into it is going to determine how much of a success it will be .If your studio is close to other businesses or in the center of a town a great idea is to have a "Safety Street" where children and their parents can make their way around all the businesses and so can trick or treat in a safe environment and during daylight hours. Talk to your community leaders if there is not a plan in place. Next, make a list of all the different items you are going to need plus make arrangements to close your studio for that day for regular classes as it is very difficult to run classes and have the event at the same time.
Here is a checklist of things to do and things to get.
1) Decide on an area preferably right by your studio where you can have all the festivities going on. If you have a parking lot or some other space it is a good idea to rope it off so that you have a place for everyone to dance. Having it close to your studio makes it easy for everyone to understand where your studio is and that you are responsible for the event.
2) Order candy and or some type of inexpensive Halloween trinket suitable for children. Your location will determine the amount of candy or promotional object that you order however the first time it will be a rough calculation until you see what kind of crowd your event draws. Keep a little extra candy on hand. Ideally you should attach a coupon offering a free class to the recipient when they present the coupon at the studio. This will be an incentive for new clients to come in and try a class at your studio.
3) Have a cd player or ipod with speakers ready. A microphone is also important as you will need it to make announcements from time to time. If you can get hold of a mixing board that can be a big help.
4) Buy a number of prizes from your local dollar store to give out. Make sure you have some suitable items for young children and teens too!
5) Make sure that you have plenty of promotional brochures and schedules to give out to everyone.
6) Enlist the help of your older dancers. Ask them to come in their Halloween costumes.
7) Make sure you have some typical and cool Halloween music.
8) Have some Halloween decorations that can be hung outside.
9) Make up some flyers advertising your Halloween event and post them around town.
On the actual day have everything set up by around 2pm. Have your dancers get there right after school and ask your faculty and staff members to help you hand out one piece of candy to each child. It is a good idea to have all your promotional materials in the same area as this way all the parents will have a chance to look them and you will be able to answer any questions that they may have about your program. Now it is time to put on the music and it's helpful if the older dancers get the younger children out on the "dance floor" so that they will feel special dancing with them Once you see that there are a fair number of people in your area, announce over the microphone that you are having a dance competition, keep it short and sweet and hand out lots of prizes. This is a great way to generate excitement and there are always some hams in the crowd. The competitions you can do each hour and it is helpful to make an announcement so that if people miss one, they might stay for the next. Keep the music playing as loudly as you are permitted to. Altogether there will be a festive atmosphere that will bring people back year after year. Events like this are just one way to maintain a presence in your community and have people think of you not only as a dance teacher but someone who has fun family events where children express themselves in a safe environment. Keep a little extra candy on hand!