Have you ever written a sales letter? If not, you may want to consider writing one. Send your letter to a customer that has not returned, to prospective customers who have called for information or to a list of your target audience. Check out ways to write a killer sales letter – the ten essential tips.
1. Know what's in it for your reader.
Complete this sentence: "Come to my studio so that you can.........(fill in the blank)." Your Studio and whatever lessons or services you are providing should be the feature. What people get as a result of coming to your school is the benefit. Focus on the benefits that your training offers. Always! Without this, your letter will fall flat!
2. Write a headline that telegraphs the key benefit to your reader.
ALWAYS use a headline. There is only ONE exception to this rule. When you personalize your letter, the "Dear (whoever)" opening becomes your headline. There are few headlines more powerful than the reader's own name. The headline is THE most important part of your letter! Spend nearly all of your time on it.
3. Be brief.
Say what you have to say in terms of the reader's self interest and then say no more. This does NOT necessarily mean a short letter. If you are trying to get someone to enroll and the reader has never heard of you or your studio, you may have to write four or more pages to get your message across. If all you want is a return call, a one page letter may do. Don' be afraid of length. People will read any length of copy AS LONG AS IT IS INTERESTING!
4. Always use a PS.
Always. Why do copywriters who charge upwards of $15,000 to write sales letters and have weeks to draft them invariably use a PS? They do so because it is something that catches the eye and leaves the reader with a provocative thought.
5. Look good.
Visual attractiveness accounts for 70% of your letter's impact. Use short sentences, short paragraphs, bulleted points, indented paragraphs, subheads, etc. Some people will just skim your letter, so engaging subheads and bullet points help reach them instantly.
6. Outline first.
Use a planning tool such as the program Project Kick Start to help you think through your message. Or talk to a friend. Or to a tape recorder. Or to yourself. This also helps you get comfortable with speaking your letter rather than writing it.
7. Write first, edit last.
Turn your inner editor off. You can rewrite later. For now, write spontaneously and quickly to get your ideas on paper.
8. Ask for something.
Ask yourself why you are writing the letter. Are you looking for a return call? Are you trying to get people to register? Then you need to let them know. Whatever your objective is state it clearly.
9. Get a reader.
Find one person to read your letter OUT LOUD in front of you. If he (or she) has trouble reading your letter, if he wrinkles his brow or stops to reread a sentence, rewrite those sections. Don't skip this step! It's the secret of many professional writers.
10. Rewrite your letter again.
After following the previous steps do you feel that your letter is the most effective it can be? Be honest! If not, throw it away and call the person instead. Or hire a copywriter to write it for you. Why waste your time or your readers with something that doesn't communicate in a persuasive and interesting way? If money is the problem find out if one of your clients is a copywriter and suggest a barter system.
Well, there you have it! Of course, there are more rules, laws, ideas and suggestions for writing letters that get results. But the ten steps above will get you rolling in the right direction.