If you want your ads to pull more, look at your headline. It may be that you are not getting your reader to be interested in your ad simply because your headline is not pulling them in to read more. One easy way to create a compelling headline is to give reasons. Reasons involve readers with your ad. To learn more, they have to read the rest of your copy. The trick to making this work is in targeting your prospects. If you are an accountant, give reasons that tie in to your service. If you're a baker, give reasons why your food is better. For Dance school owners give reasons why they should do business with you!
Here are some samples to get you thinking:
Nine Reasons Why Dance Enhances Your Child’s Life
Three Reasons Why You Should Enroll Your Child In a Dance Class
Six Reasons To Try A Hip Hop Class
Nine Reasons To Come To (Your Dance School!)
Seven Reasons To Call For A Free Dance Class
Next, I’ll have you take a short quiz. These quizzes are for your use only.
They are to help you reinforce and integrate the principles that you are learning here.
1. Write 5 different headlines for your school:
2. Improve on those headlines by using any of the benefits of your programs:
3. Take any ad and improve it using one of the above tips:
Let’s expand our knowledge of why headlines work.
When you write an ad, you must keep in mind WHY people buy.
Below is a list of reasons why people might like to do business with you. Put yourself in the place of the customer and ask yourself why they should give you their money. What services and conveniences can you offer them over another similar business? Reading through this list compiled by Direct Mail Hall of Fame Award winner, Ed Mayer will help you in this area.
1. To make money.
2. To save money.
3. To save time.
4. To avoid effort.
5. To get more comfort.
6. To achieve greater cleanliness.
7. To attain fuller health.
8. To escape physical pain.
9. To gain praise.
10. To be popular.
11. To attract the opposite sex.
12. To conserve possessions.
13. To increase enjoyment.
14. To gratify curiosity.
15. To protect family.
16. To be in style.
17. To have or hold beautiful possessions.
18. To satisfy appetite.
19. To emulate others.
20. To avoid trouble.
21. To avoid criticism.
22. To be individual.
23. To protect reputation.
24. To take advantage of opportunities.
25. To have safety.
26. To make work easier.
The easiest way to always think of your readers is to simply think what they are looking for, not what you are looking for and how will it benefit them.
Now here’s another quiz.
Look at every headline you come across and see how you can tie it in to one of the above 26 reasons as to why people buy. Keep in mind that if you are unable to find the benefit to the reader, the headline is probably not very effective.
Rewrite one of your own headlines using one of the above reasons as a focal point for your prospective customers to want to spend money at your studio.