We all know that in order to run a successful business we need to have excellent customer service. Nowadays, more than ever, we need to not only attract customers but also do whatever we have to do to retain them. Almost everyone is busy and juggling to keep the home, the children and spouse and their job all on an even keel. So what is customer service? What it really means is 'helping customers' and the more ways that we, as business owners can find to help them the better our business will thrive. Here are a few ways to assist our customers in getting the value they want.
1) Value. Our customers want to know that they are getting value for their money. They like to know exactly what they are paying for and how it is going to benefit both them and their child. Very often they also want to know if you have a payment plan to help them out. They also want to be sure that the classes that they are paying for will be run as scheduled and that their child is in a healthy and positive environment.
2) Communication. One of the most important things that our customers want to know is, will we let them know what they need to know, when they need to know it. Everyone is busy and it is very easy to let things slip through the cracks. It is so important to give your customers the information that they need about classes, rehearsals, performances, competitions or any change in the normal schedule, in a timely fashion. Our customers do not like last minute surprises and will be so much more ready to come through as we need them to if they have good communication from our office about anything that they need to know.
3) Reliability. Every parent wants to believe that we, as a studio, will be there for them when they need us to. They want to know that we open and close when we say we will. That our classes run on time and that our staff and faculty are always there to make the experience for their child and for them the easiest possible. They like to know that there are systems in place so that if there is a snow day or a faculty member is out sick that nothing will be disturbed in their world. That is why your front desk and their expertise are imperative for good 'customer helping'.
4) Attitude. Nothing sets the tone of your studio more than the attitude of your faculty and staff. Our customers like to see happy people who are eager and willing to help them and find solutions for them. Of course, making sure that we have the right people in place is a must. Sometimes that takes a little trial and error period but it is worth going through all of that to have the best people representing you and your business.
5) Understanding. Every customer wants to believe that you can help them whether it is with a bill, advice on their child or answering questions about their child’s progress. Giving them that feeling that you are in their corner goes along way and if a customer feels that empathy they will pass the word along. Word of mouth is always the very best advertising.
6) Quality. Each customer wants affirmation that they have brought their child to the right studio. The more that you can show them that you have the best quality in classes, faculty, and performances and just about anything else, the more they will let everyone know because they will be proud that they made the right choice.
7) Added extras. Everyone likes to feel special and if we give our customers unexpected 'customer appreciation' events it helps to solidify their belief in you and your studio because they see that you are going out of your way to make their child and them as parents happy and that goes a very long way. Any investment that you make in this direction is definitely going to benefit your business and solidify your customer’s belief in you.
Understanding your customers and keeping in mind that it is their money that is permitting you to survive really helps. If we are always prepared to serve our customers in whatever capacity necessary our business will flourish and grow. Keep in mind that an angry customer wants to be helped immediately if not before! Customers like to be listened to and then love it if you take action and customers really appreciate being surprised with something nice. Basically customers are no different from ourselves and in striving to gain and retain them we can not only help them to be happy but in doing so make our lives so much more worthwhile.