We've all been there.You set a goal for yourself but somehow along the way, you don't make it to the finish line...and there's no one to blame but yourself. Somehow, you've stood in your own way. Many people consider the possibility that there are two probable selves within us. Let’s call them "Yous". The first "you" is the one that is constantly critical and often keeps you from realizing your truest potential. It’s the "you" that is the self doubter and the one that more often than not carries the energy of fear from day to day. It’s the one that will put a roadblock in your way and will literally prevent you from achieving your goal. This "you" has endless mind-chatter associated with it and it’s the chatter that will stop you dead in your tracks.
You have a big presentation to make and public speaking isn’t the easiest thing you’ve ever had to do. You don’t mind it but you just don’t like doing it. Yet you have to do it because it’s an important part of your job. You knew you were going to have to do it when you accepted this position. The day has come. You’ve spent hours preparing and the fifty people or so that you were told would be there, are! And they are all looking right at you. You can feel their pensive stares and that energy of judgment even before you’ve uttered the first word.
You are now being introduced, already you see people yawning. Enter the "you" we’ve been talking about thus far. Now the inner chatter begins. 'I told you they’d hate you even before you started.' 'Look at that lady in the third row, she’s texting and probably won’t stop during your whole presentation!' 'You should never do this type of stuff, how the heck are you going to be able to hold the interest of these fifty downers in the audience?'
All of this is going on within you. It’s as if this is the negative side of you all coming out at the same moment. The question is, are you going to buy into it? Most of us do. So many will listen and let this little "you" take over and ruin not only your task of communicating, but your entire week as well. If you listen to this "you" and believe what it’s telling you, not only will it affect the presentation you are about to give but will probably taint future ones as well.
Enter the real "You". We’ll differentiate this one with a capitol "Y". This "you" is the real "You", the one that bypasses all the judgment and negative stuff but rather comes straight from the core of your being, straight from the heart. This is the "You" that knows you can do whatever it is that you have set out to do. This is the "You" that is confident and self assured. This is the "You" that if given the chance, can get you where you need to go without any interference along the way.
Remember that commercial that used to air many years ago where you saw a person who had to make a decision and you then saw their little demonic "you" outside their left ear telling them to go the way of negativity and the angelic "You" that lovingly hovered right outside their right ear constantly assuring the person to move ahead confidently? Which "you" would you listen to? Even more important, which "You" do you listen to on a daily basis when issues come up?
Say you’ve been given the task to address the board of another dance studio that you are thinking of purchasing. This is something you’ve never done before and something you never thought you’d have to do. How would you approach this knowing that you had to convince the board that you are the one to not only take the business over and successfully merge it into yours, but convince them that your offer is better than all others that are on the table?
The two "yous" would most likely immediately start to work at wining you over. Little "you"- Are you kidding me? You’ll never be able to do this. Don’t kid yourself, you’re doomed!
Big "You"- Do it…just do it! I’ll be with you every step of the way. Just think about what it is you want to say. You already have all of it within You, just work a bit beforehand to bring it all out. Then put it into a presentable format and you’ve got it. Take the chance, believe in Yourself and do it. It wouldn’t have been presented to you if you weren’t up to the task. Believe! See it as a success already, even though the presentation is weeks away. You’ll get there…just do it!
A lot of being successful in life has to do with how you approach it from start to finish and the actual positive steps you take to get there. Do you think you can do it? If you think you can, you most likely will be up to the task and come through with flying colors. Always remember which "You" you really are.
Consider the possibility that you already have what it takes to achieve any goal you wish to undertake. Just stand out of your way in the process. Any time negative mind-chatter comes up, acknowledge it and see it for what it is...just chatter. Chatter doesn't ever have to stop you from getting to where you want to be. You are in control. Just set your course and feel yourself at the finish line. You've already won the race, you just have to convince yourself of your victory!
Robert Landau of www.HowDoIChange.com, is a Certified Life Coach and Change Facilitator that has helped hundreds of people and businesses through all types of Change. To find out more or to register for a Free 30 Minute Change Coaching Session, visit Robert's website today.
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