This question has been asked of me many times. I have always believed in the shot gun approach. The more you do the better the results. Some may find that one thing works better than others and yet another business owner may find something else works. Below is a list of media outlets and forums that we have used. Not all have been big winners but I would not stop you from trying them out to see if they work for you.
Because a dance school is a local business it is easier to target your audience. If you spend a lot of effort and money sending your message to those who are not interested then you will be wasting time and money. However, you never know when someone’s situation will change. A child that had no interest in dance may have expressed an interest now in taking classes. If your message is the first one they see, you will get the first call. Keep in mind that not everything has to be expensive! Some of the best marketing happens when you personally get out into the community and become known.
Try these out to build your business!
Ø Write an article for a local magazine or paper.
Ø Advertise on a billboard
Ø Advertise on buses or taxis.
Ø Have well designed business cards.
Ø Always carry a business card with you.
Ø Advertise in the local yellow pages online.
Ø Hang up flyers, posters or business cards at community halls, libraries, or other local businesses, with their permission, of course!
Ø Hand out trinkets: key chains, pens, magnets, etc. with your contact information on it.
Ø Purchase advertising spots on local TV channels or in movie theaters.
Ø Advertise on the back of ticket stubs of local events.
Ø Advertise on door hangers.
Ø Volunteer to be interviewed on a local radio station.
Ø Volunteer to speak at local events.
Ø Teach a free class somewhere other than your school.
Ø Join a toast masters or other local speech group
Ø Attend Chamber of Commerce and other local business meetings.
Ø Ask those you know to help you find leads. Give them business cards or trinkets and ask them to hand them out if they run into someone interested in your product or service.
Ø Sponsor a portion of a freeway or highway
Ø Get shirts, hats and other fashionable accessories printed with your logo or business slogan on it. Wear them around town and give them to others.
Ø Hold open panel business forums in your community, where community members can ask questions to your local business leaders
Ø Get involved with local charities.
Ø Offer your product as the prize for a local contest.
Ø Offer your product in school or non-profit fund raisers
Ø Look at local job requests and needs in newspapers and sites like Craigslist.
Ø Place ads in the classifieds section or your local newspaper.
Ø Volunteer to be on the board of local events.
Ø Sponsor a team.
Ø Sponsor a local event.
Ø Host a BBQ.
Ø Put business cards on cars, less pollution and people are more likely to keep them versus a flyer.
Ø Advertise on local websites.
These are all ways to get your studio name out there and to especially to let people in your community know more about you and what you have to offer them.