No one else is quite like you. Would you agree with that statement? If you do, then it would stand to reason that no one else offers a product exactly like yours. Who you are and what you offer is totally unique, no one does it quite like you do. Even if there are three other studios in town that offer exactly what you do, no offering is exactly the same. If you are still with me then let me ask you this; If you had to describe some ways that your studio goes about doing things that are markedly different from your competition, what words would you use to do just that? What are the three things that really make your studio stand out from all the rest? What I'm getting at here is the creation of your unique marketing edge, the things that make you different and memorable. If you can write out that wording, those few sentences, that difference and edge...then you can go about marketing it. Sometimes the most effective marketing is letting consumers know why you are so special. If it's something they are looking for, they'll bite.
Engaging those that are looking to benefit from what your studio has to offer is what being in business is all about. Letting potential customers know what makes you different and why they should do business with your studio should be something that you work at and constantly perfect as the months go on. If you can bottle what makes your studio wonderful and unique, not only will customers check your studio out, but it could very well be 'the' place they choose to do business with for the future. But once you've got 'em, the question then becomes, how the heck do you keep 'em?
The answer lies in going back to the marketing statement I had asked you to think about concerning the uniqueness of your studio and the special product and customer service it has to offer. Those should be the very things that keep your customers loyal to you year after year. These three areas are where the pot of gold lies when it comes to retaining customers; the uniqueness of your studio, its special product offerings that truly peak consumer interest and the effective customer service that you and your staff offer.
Have you had trouble keeping customers loyal? People not interested in many of your class offerings? Does your front desk staff keep their heads to the desk when someone walks in the door? It might be that your message of uniqueness might need an overhaul. How so? See why customers keep leaving the fold. Get to the heart of the matter and once you know what the issues might be, fix them right away. Don't only do the necessary repairs in a timely manner but re-engineer and re-work things so that you come back even stronger than before. Take things to the next level; bump them up a notch or two. This can be in the form of new and out-of-the-box customer service initiatives, cutting-edge class offerings or a memorable and marketable customer retention program unlike any other. You are the one that has the power. Having 'the power' can be a truly wonderful and positive thing, but it's all up to you. It's one of the many choices only you can make. But it is a choice that has a huge range of effect. Each day that you walk into your studio should be a day where you realize that you have a brand new canvass with which to create new and innovative ways to not only attract new customers, but also to keep the ones that you have loyal to you and your product.
Staying on top of what's going on concerning the uniqueness of your studio, its product offerings and the customer service that it provides will go a long way to keeping your customers loyal and totally satisfied. When things are going right, there is no greater feeling. It's like riding on the crest of a wave. That thrill, that exhilaration, to the point where you just want to scream out loud at the top of your voice with total uncensored joy! Staying on top of the wave demands constant attention and care, the attention and care you and your studio deserves. If it's got your name written all over it, you should demand nothing less of yourself. So ride on the crest of your wave, rejoice in the moment and have a blast doing so. That's one of the things that makes life truly worth living. You've done a great job because it's gotten you to where you are right here and now. But to continue to ride waves in such a victorious fashion, you've got to keep growing and refining your craft. Retaining and loving your customers are the waves, the current, that provides those amazing rides, but always remember to make the proper adjustments along the way whenever necessary!
Robert Landau has delivered over 2,100 presentations and workshops in over 20 countries in his 15 year speaking career. Besides having a full line of best-selling self-help products on his website,, Robert is a Positive Results Expert and a Certified Life Coach that works with individuals and businesses to help facilitate lasting positive and productive results.