I have always loved candles and have used them along with different scented oils to promote a feeling of relaxation in our home. Aromatherapy goes back almost 5000 years ago when the ancient Egyptians would use it in baths and for massage to promote a feeling of relaxation and well being. Studies have shown that certain scents trigger reactions within the body that can help us to relieve stress, gain energy and also give us higher levels of mental clarity and concentration. It has also been found that certain scents can help with pain management and that different scents have the ability to change a person's mood or state of mind. Dr Gary E Schwartz, a professor of psychology and psychiatry at Yale University has found that certain scents produce positive changes in blood pressure. He has discovered that the smell of spiced apple is especially effective in dealing with stress. Other studies have also shown that different scents can lift many moods and negative emotions.
So how does all this relate to a studio? It makes sense that if big businesses are using aromatherapy in their workplaces with success that there is no reason for studio owners not to do the same. After all, we need the people who are in our business to be calm, energized and productive with clear minds. Companies in Japan have found that by using various scents at different times during the day that they have increased productivity. In the morning they use a lemon scent to wake everyone up, at midday they use a rose scent to keep stress at a low level and in the afternoon they use the scent of cypress or peppermint to keep all their employees alert. Aromatherapy is in fact a very efficient and cost effective way to increase productivity all around.
Scents that that increase alertness and productivity
Lemon, Jasmine, Eucalyptus, Peppermint, Rosemary, Sage and Cedar
The scent of apples not only relaxes but it also enhances receptivity to new ideas
Orange and lavender can promote an ability to have a longer attention span
Peppermint enhances the memory and increases alertness
Vanilla promotes a pleasant mood and a positive perspective
Nutmeg increases productivity
Lilac helps with decision making and improves the memory
Pine is used to increase alertness
Cinnamon helps to improve focus
Citrus helps with concentration and also is invigorating
Scents that help to relieve stress
Cardamom, Chamomile, Cinnamon, Lemongrass, Patchouli and Lavender
Scents that elevate the mood
Frankincense, Basil, Cinnamon, Coriander and Grapefruit
Grapefruit has also been found to enhance energy levels.
With all these wonderful scents there seems to be a terrific benefit to trying them out. I, for one, cannot wait to see if there really is a difference to the mood of all who come into our studio. One thing is for sure, if it improves the focus and productivity of our students that can only be a good thing. If it keeps our parents relaxed and willing to do business with us that is a positive step for our studio. If our staff and faculty feel invigorated and happy, that is most definitely a plus and if we, personally, feel stress free, alert and in a good mood, that is going to benefit everyone!
Have fun with your experiments in using aromatherapy and discover the benefits that these natural scents can give you as they have to people over the past 5000 years.