"It's impossible to behave in a manner inconsistent with how we see ourselves. We can do very few things in a positive way if we feel negative about ourselves."
Zig Ziglar
How we feel about ourselves will not only have an impact on our personal lives but also on our business or studio life. Every moment in your life can be impacted by the way you value your own actions and judgments. How do you feel about yourself? Are you secure in all aspects of your existence or do you tear yourself down at a moment's notice? There are people who will find every single thing wrong with themselves when they make even a simple mistake instead of realizing that all the mistakes that you make are part of your growth as a human being and as a business person. Every great person in business has made a number of mistakes during their growth but it is what you can take away from making those mistakes that counts, the lessons that you learn can be invaluable and can project you forward in a strong and positive way if you allow them to.
How do you value yourself? Do you see yourself as a successful business owner or do you see yourself as a victim? Is it ingrained in your psyche that you cannot do anything positive? We are sometimes told thousands of times in our lives that we "can't" do this or that and that we are bound to fail in any number of endeavors. What we have to remember is that the way we value ourselves is probably the way others will value us. What you expect for yourself can come true if you really believe it and if you really believe in yourself.
It is not always easy to have full confidence in yourself and sometimes it is just downright difficult but what is important to realize is that you and you alone hold the key to your success and where your path will take you is in your hands. You need to have a constant dialogue with yourself on a daily basis to keep that confidence boosted and to convince yourself that you can do anything that is put before you and have a good result even if it means bringing in other people to help you make it work.
When things don't go the way you thought they would do you criticize yourself or do you tell yourself to persevere on? If you view your life and everything in it in a positive way then you are able to create a very positive image for yourself and everyone around you. People generally want to be around positive energy. If you are always looking at life from the negative side and have that "victim" mentality you need to change the way you talk to yourself and stop undermining all of the good that you have going for you. Start your day out with a positive message and then use it in your thoughts for the rest of your day. Keep in mind that you are a unique individual and try not to constantly compare yourself to others. What you bring to the table as a studio owner is different to anyone else and that is a good thing, in fact, the more that you can capitalize on that the better! If you are always comparing yourself to your competition you will find yourself believing that they are always a step ahead of you. Trust your capabilities and understand that most likely you are actually ahead of them. As Charles Schwab has said, "When a man has put a limit on what he will do, he has put a limit on what he can do." There is no need to limit yourself out of fear and insecurity, what you do need to do is to give yourself encouragement whenever needed to help combat all those other negative vibes that try to attack not only you but everything that you stand for.
Give yourself a compliment when you have done a good job and then carry that on to others to give them that wonderful feeling of accomplishment. Let others know that you not only believe in yourself but also in them. Surround yourself with people who have a positive outlook on life and you will be a productive and valuable member of your community both personally and in business.