We've all been there. Everyone knows what it's like to be hit in the face with issues we didn't even knew existed at work, and all it took was just walking in the door and BAAM, you get hit with it right in the nose! Can work be heaven on earth? The answer to that question might be "Yes...but mostly no!" Why such a harsh response? Because work is what you and everyone else who is a part of your team make of it. It's an extremely delicate balance. If one of your staff members comes into work with a bad attitude, the energy radiates out and ends up tainting so much of the day's operations. Although we might not be able to see what tension looks like, it can certainly be felt. We don't realize how sensitive something like this can be. Words aren't the only thing that communicate, feelings, attitudes and mindset all go a long way in how a day at work turns out. The success of your operation doesn't only depend on you, it also rests on those that you trust to be a part of things as well.
So what do you do when everything around you seems to be sinking? There are two things you should think about doing when storms are brewing;
1. Deal with the situation at hand. If you are the one who is running the show, don't leave a storm in your studio for someone else to address. You are the boss and the one who is in charge here, so why not look at this as a perfect opportunity to exert your power, but in a positive way? Attack the situation head on and make sure to hear everyone's side. Get to the bottom of what's going on and then provide solutions that will work for everyone involved. Always remember that people look up to you and model how they behave based on how you carry yourself and handle difficult situations. Make the solution to the issue at hand easy for everyone to put in place. Also make sure you end things in a positive rather than a negative fashion. Smiles at the end of hardships go a long way in shifting the energy and clearing the air.
Always remember to lead with your heart, not with your head. Just remember that this is a business and don't take anything personally. You are not in your home here, you are at your second home, your place of business which is your studio.
2. Once it's over...it's over. After the air has cleared, move on and keep in a positive groove. What happened is now in the past and that's where it should always stay. The present in the thing to deal with now. If your staff sees that it's easy to move forward, they will move with you. Remember, you are the role model here. If you think you aren't a teacher to your staff, think again. Leading by example creates wonderful energy and bonding opportunities. Life lessons are learned from mentors such as you. It's also important to remember never to get attached to any storm that you have to get to the bottom of and settle. Don't become the situation, remain apart from it so you can deal with it effectively and positively.
Being the calm in the center of a storm can go a long way in how successful your studio operates. Leading with a firm but positive and effective hand creates the energy your studio can continue to grow upon. Having a firm foundation on which to stand allows you to move forward with confidence, joy and grace. What more could any studio owner ask for ?