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Your Inner Leader


Studio Owner Article


Self-help and Life Enhancement Tips for the Business Owner

How would you answer the following question; Are you a leader? I often ask this question when I facilitate seminars or work with businesses one-to-one and I'm always amazed at the answers I get. Most people consider themselves a leader if they happen to find themselves in a leadership position at work. What many often miss is that one isn't only a leader while one is on the job. Leadership doesn't begin and end when arrive and leave work every day. With that in mind, here is the same question, but with a slight twist; Are you a leader in your life? Is your answer any different than the one you gave for the first question?

I believe that each one of us was born to lead. Leadership is part of the human condition and it's how you get through your day, each and every day. It's how you got yourself here to read this article. A leader envisions a task, and then goes about accomplishing that task in the best way they can. Motivational leadership happens when others watch a leader facilitating a task and admire they way they go about it and the results they've gotten. The lesson becomes, "If the leader can do it, I can too".

Your getting out of bed and going to work today is a task that, believe it or not, involves leadership. You are setting a goal for yourself and you take the steps necessary to accomplish that goal. You lead yourself to the finish line. Getting from A to Z is what leadership is all about. Giving up along the way, isn't!

Don't think you have what it takes to be a leader? Think again! Each one of us has an "Inner Leader" that is always there. It comes to the fore when we stand out of its way. It has everything to do with confidence and positivity. If you let your Inner Leader lead you in life, you will reach the finish line even before you realize that you've gotten there. Leadership is a part of your heartbeat, it's a part of your breath, it's who and what you are.

How do you let your Inner Leader get you to where you need to be? Here are seven easy-to-follow steps to life leadership;

1. Believe that there is a leader within you

2. When you have a task that requires leadership in any way shape or form, map out how you will get from A to Z, in a few easy-to-accomplish steps. It's up to you to make the journey easy for yourself

3. BELIEVE you can get there

4. FEEL what it's like already accomplishing the task even thought it hasn't happened yet

5. Repeat step 4 as often as possible until the results have been achieved

6. Stand out of the way and let it happen!

7. Don't worry about the day, date and hour that your goal will be achieved, just KNOW that it will happen when it is supposed to, and not a moment sooner

Leading is something you came here to do. If you still aren't convinced, find out what it is that might be holding you back from this realization. Once you know what that mindset might be, understand that this issue might not be as real as you thought it once was. Figure out what it will take to walk through your disbelief and get back on the road of believing that you came here for a very specific purpose. Let your Inner Leader take you there. It's your path, it's your life, it's your destiny!


Robert Landau

Robert Landau

Robert Landau - National Motivational Speaker/Certified Life Coach/Podcast Host “When it comes to changing lives, I’M THAT GUY!” #robertlandaumotivation #motivational #landaumotivationalspeaker #whenitcomestochanginglivesimthatguy #lifecoach Robert Landau BIO National Motivational Speaker Robert Landau has delivered over 5,000 keynote presentations and seminars nationally and internationally in his 15 year speaking career. He continues to appear at the Dance Teacher Web Conference and has done so ever since the inception of the conference fifteen years ago. An accomplished Actor in New York City, then a celebrated International Cruise Director for close to 10 years with 300 ports of call on 400 cruises with major cruise lines, as a Motivational Speaker, Landau draws on his unique and productive world-wide experiences to create the ‘motivational lift’ that everyone is in so much need of nowadays. Robert also makes many appearances on radio, podcast and

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