Sal was pretty satisfied with his life thus far. Things had mostly gone his way and he felt he was quite lucky in that respect. But like many people, Sal wanted more. Even though he had just about everything anyone could possibly want, Sal felt that he wasn't "there" yet. There were still four things he wanted to change. New Year's was just around the corner, so he felt that this would be a perfect time to make some resolutions to draw the things he felt he lacked, right to his front door.
"O.K. so this is what I want to have happen", Sal said out loud to himself one night at 3am when he couldn't sleep. "I want to lose at least 30 pounds, I want a new roof on my house, I want a new car and oh yea, I want to treat my staff better at work...maybe not lose my temper and be so impatient with them as much." So let's see, that's four things that he either wanted or that he wished to change in his life.
Sal converted these wishes into New Year's resolutions. "So it all looks like this", as he wrote each request down on paper...
"Resolution #1 - This year I'm gonna lose 30 pounds. Oh yea, I'm gonna do it!
Resolution #2 - This year my house is going to have a new roof
Resolution #3 - I'm gonna have a new car this year
Resolution #4 - I'm going to treat my staff at work better than last year and show them that I can be patient and kind"
Sal chose not to go out to any of the New Year's parties he was invited to because he wanted instead to have a nice, quiet night at home. At 9pm he fixed a nice meal for himself. Getting a little restless for midnight to finally present itself, at 10pm he poured himself a nice bubbly glass of champagne. By 11pm he noticed that it was difficult to keep his eyes open as he tried in vain to find something interesting to watch on television with a New Year's theme. At 11:30pm he woke up rather suddenly. What startled him? His own snoring! He had fallen asleep on the couch in his living room with the television on. At 11:45pm, he could no longer stand it. "O.K. This is getting ridiculous. When is midnight finally going to come around? I need to make these resolutions official. At least it's only 15 minutes away." Patience was not one of Sal's strong points.
At long last Sal could finally get to bed. He had just seen on his television screen, the beautiful crystal ball in Times Square hit its mark at the stroke of midnight. Sal had recited each of his four resolutions out loud and now it was 12:03am and he merrily went off to bed.
Three weeks later during a lunch break, a number of Sal's employees were talking about what they did on New Years and the subject of resolutions came up. Each employee stated that they no longer made New Year's resolutions because they never seemed to come true. Miriam said, "Well, maybe the reason your resolutions don't come true might have something to do with the fact that you don't take the time to see them through after you've made them." Each employee felt Miriam's comment was well spoken. They saw the meaning behind the words she was saying. All except Sal.
Sal - Miriam, so let me get this straight. You've made resolutions in the past but up until this moment in time, they've never come true for you. Is that what I'm getting by what you were saying?
Miriam - Yes Sal, that's exactly what I was saying
Sal - I don't agree with you
Miriam - What don't you agree with?
Sal - I think resolutions come true. That's why so many people make them. If they didn't have such a success rate, they wouldn't continue to make them
Miriam - I stopped making them a long time ago. I found it a waste of time for me to set myself up for something that was nothing more than a pipe dream
Sal - Sorry to hear that
Miriam - Did you make resolutions this year Sal?
Sal - You better believe I did. More than one!
Miriam - Did you make any last year
Sal - Yup!
Miriam - Did those come true for you?
Sal - Ummmm.....
This was the first time in a long time that Sal didn't have an answer for something. He was shocked that he had no answer to Miriam's question. Actually, he did indeed have an answer, but he didn't want to share it. Miriam sensed what was behind his silence and being the type of person she is, she wouldn't let it rest
Miriam - So what's your answer Sal. It's a year later. Did your resolutions come true or not?
Sal - Everyone, it's way past 2pm. Let's get back to work
Miriam - Sal, you didn't answer me
Sal - Come on everyone, get back to work
Miriam - Sal, I guess I have your answer now, don't I?
Sal wouldn't admit that nothing he had made a resolution for last year came true for him. This made him sad because he didn't want the same thing to happen to him this year. He did some research and much to his surprise he found out that only 8% of those that make New Year's resolutions actually see them come to fruition. So what was he to do?
Sal went to dinner that night with a good friend of his who also happened to know a lot about making resolutions.
Frank - What's wrong Sal?
Sal - I'm bummed because it's close to four weeks after I made my New Year's resolutions and I don't feel anything is going to happen with them
Frank - Did you make reasonable requests?
Sal - Kind of
Frank - Did you make them measurable and easy to attain
Sal - Well,
Frank - So there you go Sal. You have to be kind and reasonable with yourself when you make these type of goals. Yes, goals. I look at resolutions as goals. Isn't that what they really are anyway? A goal is something you set your mind to and work at realizing all year long. Goals have nothing to do with December 31st. Goals are a part of life no matter what time of year it happens to be
Sal - That makes sense Frank. As soon as I made my resolutions this year, just like last year, I forgot about them three weeks later. No wonder nothing happened!
Frank - Goals are something you have to work at each day, every day. You don't stop until you've reached the finish line
Sal - It's like it went through the ritual of making a resolution, but as soon as I stated them, I dropped the entire thing which meant that I severed my connection with what I wanted to have happen
Frank - Here's what you do Sal. Pick one of two things as resolutions or goals. Then you...
1. State it
2. Feel and see it completed
3. Expect it
4. Then let it go
and don't worry about the day and time it will be realized. Just knowing it will come to you is what's important. It will get to you when you and it are
totally ready
Sal - Love it! I'll put that into motion and see what happens
There's a bit of Sal in all of us. When we want something to change in our lives, saying that it will change is one thing, but taking the bull by the horns and owning that change within us can be totally another story. Don't feel that what you don't have at this moment in time is a negative thing. Rather, look at what you want to bring into your life as a positive thing, something that will enhance your existence in an uplifting and beneficial way. It's making a shift from thinking about lack to thinking about continuing your journey in a positive and enriching way.
I'll make you a bet. I know for a fact that Sal has already put these four powerful steps into effect with what he feels will enhance his life. So the question becomes, will he get it? My guess is "yes"...and we won't even have to wait till New Year's Eve next year to see his fruitful results!