With every New Year upon us, it's time for renewal, resurgence and taking stock in all that is possible in the days that lie ahead. With that positivity and inspiration for the new, it can also leave us a little bewildered, reflective and left scratching our head as to how this year can really be different from the last. Time goes so fast and I'm sure it seems to you that this past year just flew by and you didn't even get to half the things on your to-do list. Maybe your accomplishments were not as grandiose as you hoped and maybe you even fell back a step or two. But, that is no reason to dwell and believe it can't be different with some positive thinking, self-motivation, determination and above all commitment to the process.
Just like we tell our dancers, everything is a journey and the success does not equate to instant gratification. It can be a long road with careful planning, up and downs, successes and pitfalls and changing gears at almost every turn sometime. But, like with the every accomplished athlete, you always keep your eye on the prize; looking beyond the horizon, because that is what is going to keep you studio's mission on the path you set out for it and that's when things you never envisioned will start to come to fruition.
Take stock in the fact that you have gotten as far as you did up until now. That is no easy feat. So give yourself some credit for all that you have made possible. Think about all the others that talked about their dreams and did just that, talk. Remind yourself you are a "doer," and sometimes "doing," means standing still for a moment in order to strategize and figure out the next step in the overall scale of your studio's dreams. Without stillness, there can be no rest and with no rest everyone burns out. So once you have taken the time to decompress, reboot, reload and time to drop the heavy burden of things that haven't gone right and figure out what is right for you, your studio and your dancers for the future.
My primary piece of advice….start backwards. Backward planning is often most effective where you start with your big, overarching goal and work backwards on getting to the specific goal. Set up a chart for yourself and list that big beyond the horizon that you have…also known as your "big picture." Then work from there and list (in order of priority) all the specific, smaller objectives you would like to achieve. Next- keep it in sight. Keep it in visual eye-shot so it is a reminder when you step into your office, studio.
An important thing to remember, just because you may not accomplish it by the end of this year is not cause to take it off the wall and toss it. Edits may need to occur, but scrapping it just because you didn't achieve everything in the time allotted is not a healthy measure of success either. This is where the horizon just may have changed color a bit and we need to adjust to the new plan. Our goals and visions evolve because we do as people, artists and studio owners so be kind to yourself and let those goals manifest into what is going to make your business thrive and what your students need. That is the key to the ebb and flow of any business with longevity. In the long run, your mind and goals will remain clear and the horizon will be well within your reach! Good luck!