What is enthusiasm? For the most part it is one of those things you know when you see it, and other people know when you have it. In other words, it is what people see, and react to about you. Enthusiasm is contagious. Here is a working definition to get you started.
Enthusiasm (n.) - a vibrant outward expression of your internal attitude.
Here is an example. At work I have a habit of saying "Good morning" to everyone. Well, there was one person (I will call her Violet) who would basically ignore me day after day, even if I looked her right in the eye when I said it. To be honest, I was starting to feel resentment whenever I saw her.
So, to remedy the situation, I decided that I would make her respond in a happy way to my "Good morning, Violet". But how? Enthusiasm! The next morning I gave her a huge smile, waved, turned on my enthusiasm, gave a thumbs up and said "Good morning Violet". I was practically dripping with enthusiasm. What happened? She was almost giddy in her response of "Good morning! How are you today?"
You see, I really gave her no other way to respond. It may sound manipulative, but it is not. It is really just a way to bring out the best in people by behaving a certain way yourself. The contagious effect of enthusiasm is powerful and long lasting. Now I look forward to seeing her in the morning, and sometimes she even says an enthusiastic "Good morning" to me first.
Enthusiasm works. It comes through in the way you talk, your facial expressions, the way you dress, your posture, and any other number of ways. Think about this. Would you feel confident in purchasing a new car from a salesperson that talked in hushed tones, wouldn't look you in the eye, had a weak handshake, didn't smile, slouched, and dressed like a slob? Chances are you would not.
I'm not suggesting being phony, or being nauseatingly over-the-top. Just using a real enthusiasm that comes from within. If you are not enthusiastic, here is a simple three step process to help you start improving right away.
First, you have to believe in what you want to be enthusiastic about. If you don't believe in something, and you try to be enthused, you will come across to others as being phony. If you believe, your enthusiasm will be genuine.
Second, listen to your voice. Increasing volume, pitch, and speed when you talk improves your enthusiasm on the inside and shows on the outside. Try it. Think of something you are enthusiastic about. Now talk about it quietly, in a lower pitch, and speak a little slower. Do you feel less enthused? Probably. Now do the opposite. Think of something you are not enthused about. Now talk about a little louder (you don't have to shout), in a higher pitch, and a bit faster. Now how much more enthusiastic do you feel about it?
Third, stand up straight, smile, give a firm handshake, and look people in the eye (which are all good habits on their own). Unlike the other two steps, these need the involvement of other people to practice. Keep your enthusiasm up, and the results will be quite amazing.
As your enthusiasm becomes more natural, people will respond in a positive way. They will enjoy being around you more, and more open to what you have to say.