For both professional dancers and students pre performance preparation is critical to ensure a smooth performance on stage. I know from experience with my dancers in the Melbourne Ballet Company that the 5 minute call by our Stage Manager can be a time of calm and confidence for some, a last minute rehearsing or remembering of choreography for others, doing yoga, stretching or Pilates to calm nerves or possibly it is a period of anxiety if it's a new or very challenging work!
By the time the stage manager gives us the five minute call most dancers will have done all the physical and mental preparation required and be excited to finally get on the stage! They would have rehearsed the work many times not only in the studio during the rehearsal period, but had several technical and dress rehearsals on the stage so they are comfortable with the performance area, spacing, music, makeup, props, sets and the theatre. The dancers will make sure they are well hydrated and had a nutritious meal so they have enough energy for the demands of the performance.
All of our professional dancers will do a warm up company class one hour before the performance with a member of the Melbourne Ballet Company Artistic staff. This class will be adjusted in length and intensity according to the repertoire that the dancers will be doing that day on stage. If it's a really heavy workload then often only a half hour warm up barre will given then the dancers will finish with their own individual warm up, stretching or Pilates exercises if required. For a lighter program we might have a full classical class to warm up. A mental warm up is also very important at this time so that the brain is prepared for what is to come on stage!
Most dancers will have their own pre performance warm up routines, which might include;
- listening to music either to relax or increase focus
- going onto the stage to practice something before the curtain goes up
- doing breathing exercises or meditation
- channelling any negative energy to be positive energy
- thinking about becoming a certain character for the performance
- thinking about the narrative of the ballet
- going through any key steps or phrases
- visualising any difficult steps and imagine performing them with ease
- working with pas de deux partner
- some dancers like to spend this time totally alone and some need to surrounded by others as they prepare for the show
Often dancers and other elite athletes will have their own personal cues that they can use as reminders to focus on positive thoughts that will increase their level of confidence and performance ability. These personal cues can range from; a particular thought, an image, a word, a saying or even a favourite piece of music, they know will put them in the absolute best physical and mental state to ensure that they perform at their peak. A great activity for younger dance students to do is to come up with some personal cues that they could use to assist them at performance time.
An important task pre-performance is to make sure that all your props and costumes have been checked, and prepare any quick changes that might be required. Even if there is a prop and wardrobe department I remind our dancers that it is always good sight your props and do a stock take of your quick changes, so there is no panic in the middle of a performance with missing items!
Nerves can be an important part of a performance as long as they are in moderation. As long as you can keep the nerves under control they can help focus you. Many Principal dancers will still experience nerves before every performance. Sticking to your set pre performance routine can help to keep the nerves in check and make you feel fully prepared.
Remind dancers when they are doing mental preparation to tell themselves why they started dancing in the first place, how much they love to dance, love the music and love sharing that with the audience. When the house lights go down and the audience hushes, take a deep breath, trust in your preparation, trust in your director, teacher or choreographer, and believe that you are going to have a fantastic performance and go out onto the stage and enjoy it!