Here is a sample lesson plan that I use for my lyrical syllabus
1) Teach basic warm up. Introduce basic isolation exercises.
2) Floor exercises to include: Abdominal crunches, upper body strengthening exercises, lower back and hip strengthening exercises. Stretches in 2 nd, legs straight in front and splits
3) Centre work to include: Port de bras, Pirouettes en dehors and en dedans, chaine turns and small jumps.
4) Across the floor combinations. Using stylized walks, chaine turns, triplets, pirouettes, step pivots and small jumps.
5) Center combinations to include all elements above plus work on dynamics and levels.
6) Terminology : Three words per class. Make sure each dancer has a notebook to write them down.
7) December review of all of the above.
1) Teach additional isolation exercise including, Head, neck, shoulders, ribcage and hips.
2) Add floor work to include sitting abdominal exercises, Developes from 4th position, hip stretch from 2nd position. Continue work on stretches and pushups.
3) Teach beginner jazz kick combination. Continue work on pirouettes and small jumps. Teach axles and saut de basques
4) Create longer across the floor combinations using change of direction.
5) Split contests every 2 months.
6) Combine centre and across floor combinations to make a number for the show.
7) Continue to give 3 words from vocabulary and test each month
8) Give students a project in March suitable for Lyrical work.