In this class we will cover different ways to help you to help your students to train at the highest levels possible and to be able to maintain a certain standard of etiquette in your classes despite the trend towards having a free for all.
Setting a structure for your classes is extremely important as it ensures that you will cover the material that your students need to know during the year. Keeping realistic goals for yourself as a teacher and for your students helps them achieve stronger technique and higher levels.
There are different ways that you can make your lesson plans however, most importantly you need to have a plan that you will be able to follow. When I make my lesson plans I make sure to include the content that I need to cover, the vocabulary I want my students to learn and the dates that I want to accomplish it all.
1) Take time before your season starts to make a lesson plan for each class.
2) Find ways to challenge your students each week.
3) Give your students homework. Give them something specific each class that they need to practice before the next week. Make them accountable if they fail to do it, illness of course is understood.
4) Each month have them write about a famous dancer or choreographer, this will help them with dance history.
5) Give your students 2 examples of terminology each class that they have to write down and remember. Test them every 2 months on their terminology. Reward the ones who really learn them.
6) Make each class an uplifting one. Even when things are not going so well and always end the class on a good note.
7) Keep the element of FUN in your classes.
Dance has a long history of etiquette and I firmly believe that it is important to train your students to maintain the standards of behavior in your classes.
1) Tips on how to help students and parents maintain the dress code.
2) Ways to keep your students respectful of faculty, staff and fellow students.
3) The reward system and how it can work in positive ways.