Just this morning I got to thinking how is it that we each have been given a voice? That one thought opened the door to so much more. Not only do we have this wonderful thing called a voice to communicate to one another with, but the sound of our voice is totally unique and unlike anyone else's. As different as you and I look from one another is also as different as the sound of our voices. How does that happen! And how about this; it totally seems as if our voice is hooked up to our thoughts because as soon as we can think of something, we then are able to put those thoughts into specific words. If thoughts are things then words are not only things as well, but powerful representations of what thoughts can do to not only influence a situation, but change it for the better as well.
So here's the question; So, you have this amazing thing called a voice, how well do you use it when it comes time to speak your piece? Are you afraid to use your voice in various situations? Do you hold yourself back when you want to speak your truth? How honest and connected to your heart are the words you hear coming out of your mouth when you communicate with others?
So here's what I realized in thinking about all of this; If I was given this amazing vibratory sound energy of a thing called a voice, then I'm almost certain that this gift was given to me for a purpose. For me that has everything to do with using my voice to help motivate and create change when it comes to everyone that I come into contact with on a daily basis. How powerful that realization is to me as I write these words for you to digest. It's as if my voice is speaking to you through the words you read and what I hope is happening is that you realize that you too have a wonderful gift that starts with a breath that you can use to change not only your world, but the world in general. It's almost as if your voice becomes your passport to establishing yourself in this world, each and every day. Don't be afraid of it, be proud and go forward knowing that you were given this gift for a reason.
Try this tomorrow; Go into work and make a conscious effort to use your voice and the words you formulate using it to make a difference in a situation you find yourself in. It's quite powerful and empowering to know that something like a well placed and heartfelt group of words can help move a situation along in a positive direction. Isn't that what it's all about anyway?