Now that we are full speed ahead into the New Year it is important to have your students set goals that they can attain during the last part of the dance year. This will also help the students to stay fresh and motivated and to keep involved in their training. Pay close attention to see if students are starting to become overwhelmed or disinterested. It may be that they feel that they are invisible. Make a point to say each student's name during these first few weeks back. Also this is a time of year when students get sick and miss some time. Once back in the swing these students may need a little more guidance or even a private lesson so they don't fall to fare behind.
Here are tips to help your students soar!
1. Have each student set at least seven goals they would like to achieve. Ideas would be improving flexibility and develop splits on both legs. Doing double or triple pirouettes. The key here is that the goal is not vague. Have them set a definitive goal and set a date to try to achieve that goal. They may not hit each one but they will improve and you can help them chart their progress.
2. Have teams work together. This is fun and helps the students with team building exercise. They can work together to help each other achieve their goals, practice choreography and certain technique. This is also a great way to integrate the students who may be shy or introverted.
3. Tell stories of inspiration. Students love to hear success stories of former students or even better your own success stories as a student. As I like to say to them if I can do it guess what? You can do it too! Building the right mindset to goal setting and achievement is the key for success. I also tell my students that when they set goals, be bold! Have at least one goal that is a bit of a reach. Hey if they don't think big who will?
4. Take time to review challenging technique and choreography. Just because you have taken time months ago to break down the technique of something don't assume that your students remember what it was that you taught them. Chances are that bad habits are forming. Now is a good time to review the basics. You can also make it a question and answer period of class where the students with the most correct answers receive a special prize.
5. Keep yourself energized and excited. Think about it. If you are feeling low on energy and not really into the class very rarely does the class go well. You set the tempo. You set the atmosphere. And if you are full of excitement your class will follow your lead!
So there you have it. The season can be a bit of a grind for everyone involved. So take good care of yourself and if you feel like the energy level is low, make a point of finding ways to reenergize yourself. A massage, yoga class or weekend away may be just the ticket to keep your teacher passion at its peak!