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Get Out Of Your Way!


Teacher article



As is the case so often in life, you set a goal and want it to happen more than anything. You try to be patient but you honestly can't wait until the lucky day arrives. Then, suddenly out of the blue, a door slams in your face. The goal that you once envisioned so clearly in your mind, now seems totally out of reach. How could this have happened?

Let's take a look at some very natural laws of give and take. If you set something in motion, it becomes an expectation. It's something that you now are looking to manifest at some point soon in your life experience. You ask, which then creates the expectation, and then you expect to receive. By all accounts, that's exactly how things should happen. But what happens when things go wrong? In other words, what's really going on when you never get the receiving part of what you were expecting?

When things don't happen the way you had hoped, what is it that has gotten in the way of your wish coming to fruition? Could it be you? "What? No way!" you hear yourself saying. "What a totally ridiculous thing to even begin to consider" you say. Consider the following;

Veronica had wanted new ballet shoes for the longest time. She was taking some really great classes and the fact that they were demanding didn't even phase her a bit. What really did get to her was the fact that she kept putting out there that she needed some new shoes to wear in these classes, but nothing was coming back to her in the form of her even getting close to receiving them. Every time she thought she had the funds together, something would happen at the last minute and the money had to be used to something else. After a number of months of the money always falling through at the last minute, Veronica had enough. "OK, what's going on here? I mean, this really shouldn't be this difficult! I'm doing everything I know that works when it comes to manifesting these shoes, only to fail when it comes to the final phase of my getting what I've been asking for. What's wrong with this picture?"

One night Veronica decided to go out to dinner with some of her friends. Lynn, one of her closest friends, was telling a story of how she found out after years of analysis, that she never felt she deserved to have a loving and positive relationship in her life. Somehow, as Lynn was sharing her story with everyone, Veronica felt that there was some sort of personal connection with what Lynn was in the process of sharing.

"OK, why am I so attracted to Lynn's story?", Veronica asked herself. "It's not like I have any problems when it comes to the relationship department! But something else must be going on here." After thinking about this for quite some time, Veronica finally got it. It was as if a light bulb went off in her head. "It's about not deserving stuff! That's it...I know that's it!"

Veronica did a little personal therapy and realized that inwardly had been feeling like she didn't deserve the new ballet shoes because her grades weren't everything her parents had hoped they'd be over the last few years. "I'm the one that has been literally standing in the way of stuff coming to me...even my new ballet shoes!"

It was a brilliant realization and one that went a long way in finally opening the door to let the flow of manifestation back into her life. Veronica was the only one preventing the new shoes from coming to her. It was the feeling of not deserving them that prevented them from landing on her feet. Once she realized what was going on, she was able to correct the situation. Did the new shoes eventually get to her? You bet they did.

So how about you? Could you be standing in the way of your own progress? It might not have anything to do with being undeserving, it could be any kind of negativity. Beliefs are connected to thoughts which then connect to feelings. Feelings are the things that manifest. Feelings have everything to do with how things turn out in your life. Think about it; If you are thinking negatively about yourself when it comes to a certain outcome, guess what's going to happen? Yup, you got it. That might be the reason why things haven't happened in your life from time to time.

So how do you fix something like this? It's doesn't have to be as hard as it sounds. Just be aware of not only how and what you are thinking about something you want to manifest in your life, but also be aware of how you are feeling about it. If there is any self-doubt or other types of negativity attached to your request between the time you think about it and the time it makes its way to you, get out of your way and change the negatives to positives. You can do it. You've been manifesting things to appear in your path all your life. It's something we do each and every day. All it takes to cross the finish line is the awareness of getting out of your own way. Trust. All you have to do is let it happen. Just go along for the ride. Let it be brought to you without you havening to worry about every step of the way. When it rains, you can't do anything to stop it. Just enjoy the refreshing shower and feel how wonderful it is to get wet. So...let it rain!


Robert Landau

Robert Landau

Robert Landau - National Motivational Speaker/Certified Life Coach/Podcast Host “When it comes to changing lives, I’M THAT GUY!” #robertlandaumotivation #motivational #landaumotivationalspeaker #whenitcomestochanginglivesimthatguy #lifecoach Robert Landau BIO National Motivational Speaker Robert Landau has delivered over 5,000 keynote presentations and seminars nationally and internationally in his 15 year speaking career. He continues to appear at the Dance Teacher Web Conference and has done so ever since the inception of the conference fifteen years ago. An accomplished Actor in New York City, then a celebrated International Cruise Director for close to 10 years with 300 ports of call on 400 cruises with major cruise lines, as a Motivational Speaker, Landau draws on his unique and productive world-wide experiences to create the ‘motivational lift’ that everyone is in so much need of nowadays. Robert also makes many appearances on radio, podcast and

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