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When You Wish Upon a Star


Teacher article



It's one of Disney's most memorable songs. "When You Wish Upon a Star." Do you know the lyrics? The song is all about faith, hope and making things better. The lyrics of this iconic tune also hint at a very real and workable tool that you can use to move you down the road at warp speed when it comes to the subject of manifesting things in your life.

"When you wish upon a star, makes no difference who you are. Anything your heart desires will come to you. If your heart is in your dream, no request is too extreme. When you wish upon a star as dreamers do.

Fate is kind, she brings to those who love the sweet fulfillment of their secret longing. Like a bolt out of the blue, fate steps in and sees you through
. When you wish upon a star, your dreams come true"

So here's the million dollar question; Do you believe these lyrics to be true? Are you able to follow the lyrics of this song as if they are directions as to how to make things happen in your life and career? If you don't think you have the power to make things happen, I would implore you to think again!

Question; Has there been a time in your life where you wanted something to happen so much that, a certain time after you kept wishing for it, it actually ended up appearing in your life's path? If so, how did you do it? How did you wish upon that particular 'star' enough to make your 'dreams come true?' In other words, what steps did you take to make your initial thought a reality?

Do you believe that each one of us has the power to make things happen in our lives? If you do but haven't had much luck with the 'making things happen in your life' part of that question; you're not alone. Would you consider the possibility that you might be somehow blocking things that you want from coming to you?

I believe that each one of us was born with the power to create. So why then would someone not have much luck in creating something and then not get what it was they wanted? The issue most likely stems from early in our lives. It could very well be that we were somehow de-programmed. Somehow along the way, we forgot that we were born with the power within to manifest things without. Because of that, many of us overlook how truly powerful we really are. If you believe this to be true then all you need is to somehow be reminded of how powerful you are. The energy of creation lies within you. It's a form of energy that's always there. It hasn't gone anywhere. All you have to do is connect with it again, realize it and use it to your best advantage. It's like a muscle that you've ignored for too long. If you don't use or flex it often, it lies dormant and you could very well forget about its presence altogether. So what if you should want to use that muscle once again after so many years of forgetting it was there? All you have to do is be aware of it once again, flex it and then go about using it to your best advantage. It's a muscle, it was originally programmed to perform a certain task and once you awaken it from its slumber, it will end up performing as if there was never any hiatus at all.

But how do you specifically reawaken your power of manifesting? It's easy...if you're patient. Here's the process;

1. State Your Intention - Figure out what it is that you want and say it out loud. When you have a thought, any thought, it travels to your brain. Your brain in turn releases a chemical as a reaction to your thought. Then your brain converts your thought into a feeling. Your feeling, as a result of your original thought, now works with Consciousness to manifest your thought.

Your thought is your 'wish'. Your brain is the 'star'. If you let things happen and not interfere with your wish becoming a reality, your 'dreams will come true', must like the song says.

2. Feel As If Your Wish is Already Here - This is the hard part. What you are required to do concerning this step of the process is to imagine that your wish is already here. In other words, how does and would it feel if what you are asking for is already here? You don't 'think' this step as much as you 'picture' it and 'feel' it.

Your mind might want to play games with you on this one. It might very well be telling you, "Ah, excuse me, but why in the world would you waste your time visualizing and feeling something that isn't here yet? Even worse, how are you really going to get there and when is it going to really happen?"

Mind-chatter can get the worst of us, if we decide to let it. When doubts in the form of fear and chatter come up during a process such as this, just acknowledge them and then return to feeling great about your wish. Nothing more, nothing less. It's when you allow yourself to get carried away with your chatter that you get taken out of the moment. That's when you believe that you are your chatter when in reality, this couldn't be further from the case.

3. Need to Troubleshoot? - Again, if you find that self-doubt in the form of mind-chatter or feelings of negative based emotions such as fear start coming up anytime during this process, don't ignore them. The key is to acknowledge the 'interference' and then get right back to the positive flow of what you were doing. This type of interference will always make itself known to you. It's not unusual or something that needs to be banned altogether. Mind-chatter are clouds that occasionally pass through our experience and block the light of the sun in our clear blue sky. Which one are you really, the clouds or the clear blue sky? I think you already know the answer!

4. Expect It - Know and more importantly, feel that what you are wishing for will happen exactly when it is supposed to. That doesn't mean when you expect it to happen. Let go of the who/what/when and where's of your wish and simply have faith in the process. You'll get what you've been wishing for if you faithfully follow the previous steps. Put it out there and let go enough to allow it to come to you it the perfect setting, at the perfect time.

So there you have it. Wish upon a star and know and expect that your dream will indeed come true. You've got the power to make it happen. Disney's mighty empire was once an idea in his head. By following the same steps that have been outlined here, just look at what this one amazing man was able to accomplish. If he can do it, why can't you!


Robert Landau

Robert Landau

Robert Landau - National Motivational Speaker/Certified Life Coach/Podcast Host “When it comes to changing lives, I’M THAT GUY!” #robertlandaumotivation #motivational #landaumotivationalspeaker #whenitcomestochanginglivesimthatguy #lifecoach Robert Landau BIO National Motivational Speaker Robert Landau has delivered over 5,000 keynote presentations and seminars nationally and internationally in his 15 year speaking career. He continues to appear at the Dance Teacher Web Conference and has done so ever since the inception of the conference fifteen years ago. An accomplished Actor in New York City, then a celebrated International Cruise Director for close to 10 years with 300 ports of call on 400 cruises with major cruise lines, as a Motivational Speaker, Landau draws on his unique and productive world-wide experiences to create the ‘motivational lift’ that everyone is in so much need of nowadays. Robert also makes many appearances on radio, podcast and

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