This is a fun little dance for 8-10 year olds, a small prop of a hand held basket is used.
Introduction: Run forward from upstage promp corner, holding basket and finish 5th position right foot front.
Section 1. 16 Counts
8 polkas travelling clockwise in a circle, finishing en face
Section 2. 16 Counts
4 side galops right in 5th position, 4 skips around self to right holding basket in front
Repeat side galops and skips to the left
Section 3. 32 Counts
Facing en face, fondu decote right leg with flexed foot then place ball of foot behind supporting leg ( 8 counts), mime picking flowers, smell them and put them in the basket, repeat. 4 walks around self to the right , finish facing prompt corner ( 4 counts). Moving diagonally backwards, small runs on demi pointe, beckoning twice with right hand, basket held in left.
Repeat above section to the left.
Section 4. 32 Counts
Step to the right and curtsey, placing basket on the floor ( 4 counts), step to the left and curtsey ( 4 counts). Run clockwise in a circle, right arm 5 th left holding tutu. Finish runs behind basket. ( 8 counts)
Repeat above 16 counts starting left, and finish runs kneeling croise on right knee and picking up basket
Section 5. 16 counts
Pretend to pick flowers with right hand and place them in the basket ( 8 counts) stand holding tutu and run around self finishing behind basket, and facing O.P. corner.
Section 6. 16 Counts
2 echappe saute finishing parallel ( 4 counts) 4 parallel sautes, clapping hands in front of body ( 4 counts).
Repeat facing propmt corner.
Section 7. 32 Counts
4 polka en tournant to the right travelling diagonally to upstage opposite prompt corner. Facing prompt corner mime surprise, point to basket and shake finger indicating "no" ( 16 counts). Run forward, pick up basket, blow a kiss to audience, finish kneeling in croise on left knee, holding basket in front.