5. Ronds de Jambe a Terre
Prepare; 5th position, left hand on barre
Introduction; Demi allonge, 1t to 2nd on 4 counts of music
1- 2 2 single rond de jambe a terre en dehors,
3-4 3 fast ronds de jambe en dehors, finish degage devant
5-8 Repeat counts 1-4 in reverse
1- 2 2 single rond de jambe a terre en dehors,
3-4 3 fast ronds de jambe en dehors, finish degage devant
5-8 Repeat counts 1-4 in reverse
1-4 4 ronds de jambe a terre en dehors doing a one half turn to the other side on the 4th one
5 Grand battement devant, passing through 1st position
6-7 Retire and developpe passé to arabesque
8 Close 5th position derriere
1-2 Russian grand rond de jambe en dedans to degage devant
3-4 Russian grand rond de jambe en dehors to degage derriere
5-7 Releve lent derriere, pass to retire and developpe passé
8 Close 5th position
1-2 Retire releve passé under and over
3-4 Releve passé under with ½ turn towards barre, and releve passé over
5-6 Low battement en rond en dehors on demi pointe to a large 4th position, arm port de bras to 5th
7-8 Low battement en rond en dedans on demi point and close 5th
"and" Lift leg to second en l'air
Single rond de jambe en dehors
Single ronds de jambe en dehors in fondu
Double ronds de jambe en dehors
Close to 5th position
5-8 Repeat last 4 counts en dedans
1-8 Grand circular port de bras away from barre
Finish in rise arabesque and let go barre to balance
6. Adage
Prepare; 5th position, left hand on barre
1- 2 Hold
3-4 Arm demi allonge to bras bas
5-6 Preparation to fouette rond de jambe
7-8 Fouette rond de jambe with a turn finishing on demi pointe, and lower supporting heel
Commencement of exercise
1-6 Grand rond de jambe en dehors, arm port de bras through 5th position to 2nd position
7 Pass to retire decote
8 Developpe devant in fondu arm to 5th
1 Pose en avant to 1st arabesque on demi pointe
2 Lower supporting heel
3-5 Penche and return to arabesque
6 Rise in arabesque
7 Fouette to other side, to finish leg devant
8 Close to 5th position
1-2 Developpe decote, arm 2nd position
3-4 Carry leg to attitude devant on fondu, port de bras arm 5th
5-6 Grand ronds de jambe en dehors, straightening both legs as going through 2nd position, and finish the ronds de jambe in attitude derriere on fondu, and stretch to arabesque
7 Grand battement passé to devant, arm 5th, (passing through 1st position)
8 Pose to retire derriere on demi pointe
1-4 Port de bras back in retire derriere on demi pointe
5-6 Half turn to other side, passing to retire devant
7-8 Close 5th
Repeat all other side, starting from the grand ronds de jambe.
Finish in an attitude derriere balance 1/8 turn towards barre demi pointe
7. Battement Frappe
Prepare; 5th position, left hand on barre
Introduction; Demi allonge, 1st to 2nd prepare degage decote and cou de pied position in a wrap.
1-3 3 battement frappe devant
4 Fast fouette leg to second position in fondu
5-7 3 double battement frappe to seond
8 Fouette derriere as stretching supporting leg
1-3 3 frappe derriere
4 Fouette to 2nd position
5-7 Battement frappe fouette at 90 degrees, front, back, front
8 Place to 4th position derriere in preparation
1-2 Double pirouette en dehors finishing 5th devant
3-4 Single pirouette en dehors finishing 5th devant
5-6 Degage de cote and close back to 5th position devant
7-8 Double pirouette en dehors finishing 5th devant
1-4 Battement serre on demi pointe
5 Degage to fondu decote
6 Petit battement devant
7 Carry leg de cote to fondu
&8 Assmeble soutenue en dehors
Repeat all other side
9. Grand battement balancoire
Prepare; Classical pose one step away from barre
Introduction; Chasse passé en avant to degage derriere
1 Grand battement devant arms 5th with slight upper back bend
2 Grand battement en cloche to arabesque penche
3-7 Repeat counts 1-2 3 more times
8 Close to 1st position
1-4 2 demi plies with port de bras
5-6 Grand plié
7-8 Prepare to degage devant
Reverse exercise
10. Grand Battement
Prepare; 5th position left hand on barre
Introduction; arm demi allonge to bras bas
1-2 Grand battement devant, arm to 5th
3-4 Grand battement derriere with inside leg, arm arabesque
5-6 Grand battement derriere in fondu
7-8 Grand battement devant in fondu
1-6 Grand battement en croix, (devant, decote, derriere)
7-8 Grand battement pique derriere close 5th derriere
1-8 Repeat last 8 counts in reverse