Warm Up Facing Barre
Prepare; facing barre, feet 1st position
1-4 Tendu decote right and flex and pointe and close 1st
5-8 Flex decote right at 25 degrees and close plié in 1st
1-4 Tendu devant, tendu decote
5-8 Demi plié and rise through the feet from bottom of plié and resist lower
1-4 Port de bras to the right
5-8 Port de bras upper back head left
1-4 Rise and lower
5-8 Rise and balance
Repeat all starting tendu left
Prepare; left hand on barre, feet 1st position
1-4 2 demi pies with simple port de bras
5-8 Rise and port de bras 1st, 5th, 2nd on rise and lower
1-4 Grand plié with reverse port de bras
5-8 Port de bras forward
Repeat in 2nd position with port de bras to barre
Repeat 5th devant with port de bras away from barre
Repeat 5th derriere with port de bras back
Finish with balance in 1st position
Tendu from 1st
Prepare; left hand on barre, feet 1st position
1-4 Tendu devant and rotate leg in to parallel and turn out
5-8 Tendu decote and rotate leg to parallel and turn out
1-2 Tendu devant
3-4 Tendu decote
5-8 Tendu derriere and passé par terre devant and passé derriere and close first
Reverse all
Tendu from 5th
Prepare; left hand on barre, feet 5th
1-4 Two tendu devant, temps lie en avant, port de bras to 5th
5-8 Two tendu derriere, temps lie en arriere, reverse port de bras
1-4 Four tendu decote
5-8 Fondu devant, ronds de jambe en fondu to derriere and close 5th
Reverse all
Releve 5th and balance
Battement Glisse
Prepare; left hand on barre, feet 5th
1-6 3 battement glisse devant,
7-8 1 glissse decote
1-6 3 battement glisse devant,
7-8 1 glissse decote
1-8 Glisse en croix
1-4 Petit develop second close front
5-8 Petit develop second close back
Battement Pique
Prepare; left hand on barre, feet 5th
1 Pique devant
2 Pique second
3 Pique devant
4 Pique second
5 Pique devant
6 Pique second
7 Pique derriere
8 Close 5th
Reverse above
1- 4 4 pique decote and close 5th
5-8 4 pique decote and close 5th
1-4 3 battement glisse in 1st close 5th devant
5-8 3 battement glissse in 1st close 5th derriere
Reverse whole exercise
Ronds de jambe a terre
Prepare: left hand on barre, feet 5th
1-2 Waltz decote away from the barre
3-4 Soutenu back towards the barre "and" prepare degage 2nd
5-8 4 single ronds de jambe en dehors a terre
1-2 Single rond de jambe en fondu
3-4 Single ronds de jambe en fondu
5-6 Demi ronds de jambe en devant to second at 45 degrees
7-8 One single ronds de jambe en dehors en l'air and close 5th
Repeat with en dedans ronds de jambe
Battement fondu
Prepare: left hand on barre, feet 5th "and" degage 2nd
1-2 Fondu devant
3-4 Plie with leg at 45 degrees devant and stretch
5-6 Fondu decote
7-8 Plie with leg at 45 degrees derriere and stretch
1-2 Fondu derriere
3-4 Plie leg at 45 degrees derriere and stretch
5-6 Rise "and" tombe to fondu arabesque
7-8 Pose to 45 degrees devant
Reverse all
Battement Frappe
Prepare: left hand on barre, feet 5th
1-4 4 frappe devant
5-8 2 double battement frappe decote
1-4 4 frappe derriere
5-8 Petit battement with post de bras
1-4 4 frappe derriere
5-8 2 double battement frappe decote
1-4 4 frappe devant and close 5th
5-8 ¾ Single pirouette in cou de pied to finish facing the barre holding with two hand
Balance in cou de pied facing the barre
Prepare: left hand on barre, feet 5th
1-8 Developpe devant with 1/8 turn away from barre, port de bras 5th
1-8 Developpe derriere with 1/8 turn towards barre, port de bras arabesque
1-8 Developpe de cote en face, port de bras 2nd
1-2 Develop devant
3-4 Rise and ¼ turn to face barre, leg to second
5-6 Rise and turn other side to arabesque
7-8 Lower leg and close 5th
Reverse all
Grand Battement
Prepare: left hand on barre, feet 5th
1-4 Tendu devant, grand battement devant
5-8 Tendu decote, grand battement de cote
1-4 Tendu derriere, grand battement derriere
5-8 Grand battement en cloche derriere, devant, derrier and close 5th
1-4 Tendu derriere, grand battement derriere
5-8 Tendu de cote, grand battement decote
1-4 Tendu devant, grand battement devant
5-8 Degage second, preparation 4th and single pirouette en dehors
Balance in retire
Prepare; facing the barre in parallel
Parallel plié and stretch and rise and lower- repeat 3 times
And rise and lower and rise and lower
4 faster rises
Repeat in 1st position
Repeat in 2nd position
Repeat in a small cou de peied derriere right and then left