11-12 Years
Port de Bras/Adage
Prepare: 5th position croise
Introduction; demi allonge, bras bas
1-4 Reverse right arm to 5th position
5-8 Reverse left arm to 5th position
1-4 Port de bras from 5th position to 2nd position
5-8 Port de bras through 1st position to a deux bras
1-4 Retire devant
5-8 Developpe devant, close 5th
1-4 Retire de cote
5-8 Developpe ecarte devant, lower to pointe tendu decote
1-4 Small releve lent ecarte
5-8 Step to 1st arabesque changing direction
1-8 Tour lent in arabesque
1-4 Fondu lifting leg higher
5-8 Pas de bouree to preparation 4th position
1-4 Single pirouette, finishing in large 4th
5-8 Degage derriere and close 5th position, demi allonge arms
Repeat all other side
Prepare: 5th position croise
Introduction; demi allonge, bras bas
1-4 Two tendu devant and temps lie en avant
5-8 Two tendu derriee and temps lie en arriere
1-4 Four tendu decote with alternating legs
5-8 Chasse pas de bouree en face to second and pirouette in cou de pied, finish 5th croise
Repeat all other side
Repeat all with battement glisse
3.Ronds de Jambe
Prepare: 5th position en face
Introduction; demi allonge, bras bas
1- 2 Fondu devant, ronds de jambe en dehors stretching supporting leg
3- 8 3 ronds de jambe en dehors a terre
1 close 5th position
2 Lift leg to 45 degrees second
3- 7 3 single ronds de jame en lair en dehors
8 Close 5th position
Repeat all left
Repeat exercise en dehors
Pirouettes with Waltz
Prepare: Classical pose UP
1- 3 Balance waltz en avant
4-6 Balance waltz en arriere
1-6 2 waltz decote with arms 3rd position
1-3 Chasse pas de bouree to 4th position
5-6 Single pirouette endehors
1-6 Soutenue turn
1-3 Chasse pas de bouree to 4th position
5-6 Single pirouette endehors
1-6 Pose arabesque, waltz entournant arms 4th crosssed
1-6 Pose aqabesque, waltz en tournant arms 4th crossed
1-6 Chasse pas de bouree, single or double pirouette en dehors, finish large 4th arms 5th
Warm up sauté
Prepare; 1st position en face
1- 4 Plie and stretch and rise lower
5-8 Sauté 1st, 1st, 1st, 2nd
1-4 Plie in second and rise and lower
5-8 Sauté 2nd, 2nd, 2nd, 5th
1-4 3 changement finish 5th plié crosie
5-8 3 changement finish 5th plié croise
1-4 4 small soubresaut travelling forward
5-8 releve 5th
Repeat all other side
Echappe Saute
1- 2 Echappe sauté to 4th, jump back to 5th
3-4 Echappe sauté to 2nd, jump back to 5th
5-6 Echappe sauté to 4th, jump back to 5th
7-8 Echappe sauté to 2nd, jump back to 5th
1-2 Swish back leg to second and pose to retire on demi pointe
3-4 And pas de bouree close 5th
5-6 Swish back leg to second and pose to retire on demi pointe
7-8 And pas de bouree close 5th
Repeat all starting with left leg
Prepare; 5th position croise centre back
1- 2 Glissade derriere, assemble over
3-4 Glissade derriere, assemble over
5-6 Glissade derriere, assemble over
7-8 Saubresaut, entrechat arms a deux bras
1-2 Glissade derriere, assemble over
3-4 Glissade derriere, assemble over
5-6 Glissade derriere, assemble over
7-8 Saubresaut, entrechat arms a deux bras
1-2 Glissade devant, assemble under
3-4 Glissade devant assemble under
5-6 Glissade devant, assemble under
7-8 Saubresaut, entrechat arms a deux bras
1-2 Glissade devant, assemble under
3-4 Glissade devant, assemble under
5-6 Glissade devant, assemble under
7-8 Saubresaut, entrechat arms a deux bras
Prepare; 5th croise in corner
1- 2 Sissone en avant stretch bend
3-4 Sissone en avant stretch bend
5-6 2 Sissone en avant
7 Sissone ferme decote
and 8 Changement to change direction
Repeat other side
Can repeat all in reverse
Grand Allegro
1 Temps leve arabesque right leg
2 Temps leve retire derriere
3 Temps leve arabesque right leg
4 Temps leve retire derriere
5 Temp level arabesque
6-8 Run to opposite corner and chase en arriere, arms arabesque preparation
1-4 2 grand jete en avant
5-8 Pose arabesque to finish
Corner turns or Menage turns
1- 4 4 pose turns
5-6 2 soutenue turns
7-8 2 chainee turns
Pose arabesque to finish
Prepare: 1st en face
1- 4 Port de bras right
5-8 Port de bras left
1- 8 Port de bras forward and demi plié at bottom of port de bras
1-4 Recover and rise
5-8 Turn parallel
1-8 Port de bras forward in parallel
1-4 Plie at bottom parallel port de bras
5-8 Recover up through flat back
1-4 Rise and rotate back to first position
1- 8 Upper back bend head right arms 4th crossed
1-8 Upper back bend head left arms 4th crossed
5-6 Step curtsey right
7-8 Step curtsey left