Teacher Notes:
-Slowly introduce each of the exercises one at a time at the barre before attempting them in the center after the students are warm and have done a full barre in flat shoes first.
- As the students gain strength the exercises can be taken with one hand on the barre and then later on in the center
- Place emphasis on a slow and careful execution of each exercise.
- Ensure a strong posture and alignment in all pointe exercises
- Speed of all the exercises can be increased as the students gain strength
- Make sure the students understand how to rise and lower through the positions of the feet quarter, half and three quarter then to full pointe
- Use the pauses and holds so the students can continue to establish the position fully on pointe in their second 6 months on pointe.
- encourage the students to stay at the barre until they have adequate strength to bring the exercises in the center
1. Walking in pointe shoes
Many students find walking in pointe shoes difficult and can look awkward, so its great to start the pointe work in the center with these simple but hard to do well exercises!
Exercise A
Prepare: upstage prompt in classical pose
Walk en diagonal in pointe shoes from three quater to half pointe through the music. Use various port de bras and patterns.
Exercise B
Walk on pointe in parallel travelling forwards and backwards with port de bras. Legs are picked up to a low parallel retire position.
2. Demi Plie and Rise to Pointe with Releves
Prepare: 1st position feet en face
Introduction; Arms demi allonge to bras bas
1. Slow demi plie
2. Stretch knees
3. Rise slowly to full pointe
4. Lower
5. Slow demi plie
6. Stretch knees
7. Rise to full pointe
8. Lower
1. Demi plie
2. Releve to pointe
3. Demi plie
4. Releve to pointe
5. Hold position
6. Slowly lower three quarter, half to quarter then flat
7. Degage to 2nd position
8. Lower to 2nd
Repeat all in 2nd position, 5th devant and 5th derriere
3. Retires
Prepare: En face 5th position
And Slow demi plie
1. Releve to retire devant
2. Retire releve derriere
3. Retire releve devant
4 and 5 Retire releve devant and pass to derriere
6 Plie 5th
Repeat all starting left foot front
4. Pas de bourees
Prepare: 5th position en face
and 1- 3 Pas de bouree under
and 4-6 Pas de bouree under
and 7-9 Pas de bouree under
and10 -12 Pas de bouree over, under
Repeat all with left foot front
Repeat all in reverse
5. Travelling Pose with Petit Developpe
Prepare; 5th position upstage prompt
Petit developpe followed by a fast pose to 5th position on pointe, travelling en diagonal efface. Lower both feet to 5th.
Repeat travelling corner to corner.
Done with a fast step and low arms.
6. Travelling exercise
Prepare: Upstage in classical pose
Temps leve, chasse, bas de bouree on pointe and releve to 5th position.
Repeat travelling side to side
7. Travelling enchainment to a three quarter
Prepare: Upstage classical pose
Demi contretemps
Assemble over
Sousou to 5th
Temps leve
Chasse, pas de bouree
Pas de chat
Releve to retire derriere
Repeat all other side
7. Pas de Bouree Pique
Prepare: 5th position
and 1- 3 Pas de bouree pique with a high retire position and a big step decote through 2nd position
and 4-6 Pas de bouree pique
and 7-9 Pas de bouree pique
and10 -12 Couru on the spot
Repeat all with left foot front
8. Echappe Releve to 2nd and 4th
Prepare: 5th position croise
1- 6 3 Echappe releve to 4th
7-8 1 Echappe releve to 2nd en face and close 5th croise
Repeat twice more
Releve to 5th
Repeat all
9. Pas Emboite
Prepare: 5th position
and 1-3 3 Pas emboite
4 Hold 5th
and 5-7 3 Pas emboite
8 Hold 5th
and 9- 11 3 Pas emboite
12 Hold 5th
13- 14 Spring off pointe to 5th demi plié
15- 16 Releve to 5th on pointe with left foot front
Repeat all pas emboite with the left leg.