With a new dance season upon us it is important to keep track of what your students are learning. If you teach at many different studios your employer will appreciate the fact that you are updating what your students are learning. If you have to miss a class for any reason you could email a copy of this to the class planner to your employer and your substitute can quickly review where your class is and what they already know.
I can tell you this, as a studio owner when an employee shows me that they are not only prepared but approach their work as a professional, their value, and pay go up! So keep track of your student's progress and it will make not only your life easier but will make you look like a top notch pro!
Below is a simple version of a class planner that you can put into a word document. After the class planner print in the class you are teaching then add any technique and movement they have learned after each class. You can also add any special notes on the bottom regarding class behavior or ideas you come up with for each class
Class Planner For:
Warm-up and Teahnique Learned:
Center Technique:
Progression/Across the Floor:
Choreography Notes:
Special Notes and Music Used: