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Master Class Video Series



Ballet Cueing with Gina McFadden

How to give verbal cues that actually work. Cueing based on anatomy helps the dancer feel the corrections in their bodies rather than fixing the way they look in the mirror, leading to cleaner technique.

"How-To" Teacher Training Videos



A Special Message From Dance Teacher Web Co-Founder Steve Sirico

Welcome to the All-New Dance Teacher Web and our Worldwide Community of Dance Educators... New content will be added weekly in the video and article sections of the website. We look forward to your feedback!

Master Class Video Series


Strengthening Exercises

Using Anatomy- Teach from the Inside-Out with Louis Kavouras

In this class we will look at anatomical truths of the body and how these organizations of bones, muscles and tissues inform us of how to move, and how to best orchestrate and organize the kinetic structures of the human body.

Master Class Video Series


Warm Up

The Ellové Technique® with Lisa Buchmiller

Incorporating principles of dance medicine and science, The Ellové Technique® is a recommended cross- training and injury reduction program for dancers, and does not require props. The pure techniques of ballet, yoga, fitness, and Pilates are set to music in a seamless movement sequence that improves alignment, control, strength, flexibility, and body awareness.

Business Building Seminars



Creating a Gala Fundraiser Event for Your Studio with D’Valda & Sirico

For over 24 years Steve Sirico and Angela D’Valda Sirico have been producing a Gala Fundraising Event at their studio that has generated over $700,000.00 for scholarships. They will walk you through all of the steps they use and have perfected over the years. Learn how to build your own effective event!

Master Class Video Series



Integrating “Kelley Technique” Part 1 with Curt Jacobs

Charles Kelley began teaching at the age of 16 making a thorough Study of Jazz Dance with Jack Cole and Matt Mattox. His teaching lasted more than 6 decades of providing True Jazz Dance, sharing knowledge of the human body through correct anatomical techniques. As a teacher we will learn correct body placement for balance, strength and flexibility that you can teach to your students, making it your own. Proper placement of the feet, keeping the body aligned, shoulders over hips over balls of the feet

Master Class Video Series



BE WELL- Mental Health & Wellness with Jessica Stafford

We are teaching in an unprecedented time where our dance student’s mental and emotional health are paramount, more so than ever. We are responsible for our dancers’ physical dance training as well as nurturing their overall well-being. This class will focus on integrating creative mindfulness techniques into your studio’s curriculum using fun, effective, age appropriate activities and exercises.

Master Class Video Series


Lyrical Jazz

The Importance of Lyrical Dance with Silvia Laracca

This terrific class will be focusing on why lyrical dance should be introduced to dancers and the qualities it conveys. We will emphasize the emotional aspects, fluidity of movement and the level of skill brought in lyrical dance. This class is for intermediate/advanced Level.

Business Building Seminars



Tututix and You with Brandi Vickers

This class will be a deep dive into the Tututix system and how we work with clients. You’ll learn advanced tips and tricks to make your experience using Tututix easier and increase customer satisfaction. If you are a current client or are thinking about becoming a client of Tututix, then watch this seminar

Master Class Video Series



Junior Jazz with Nikky Paramo

This class will highlight true jazz technique appropriate for dancers ages 7-12. We will focus in on transitions, traveling & creating shapes. We are going to emphasize on performance and full-out movement. This class will be FUN and inspire you to share with your young dancers.

Business Building Seminars



Grow Your Dance Studio with a Custom Mobile App with Moses Webb

Watch this seminar as they cover the top reasons on how a mobile app can help streamline and increase revenue for your business. We will cover the topics such as social media integrations, in-app payments, push notifications, and more! Welcome to 2023, where a mobile app can advance your dance studio and excite your community.

Business Building Seminars



Showtime! with Veteran Studio Owners Angela D’Valda Sirico and Hedy Perna

Join Angela and Hedy as they give you strategies and ideas to help you have your most successful Recital yet! In this discussion we will show you our proven techniques that will help you to have not only your best but most fun and organized Show from beginning to end! Together we will share our experiences with you no matter how big or small your studio is and find ways to improve your overall experience with this yearly

Master Class Video Series


Hip Hop

Hip Hop for the Competitive Circuit with Aaron Turner

Looking to teach a fully balanced class in Competitive Hip Hop? This class will give you tips on how to get students to perform and score well in Hip Hop throughout the competition season. It is helpful to educate your students on what is technically required within this “ever evolving” style of dance.

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