The Ultimate Student and Staff Retention System with Lauren & Duane Spires

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Business Building Seminars



Learn the secrets that top studios are using to create a culture where everyone wants to join and stay forever! You will immediately increase your income with this content!



Lauren and Duane Spires

Lauren and Duane Spires

Duane and Lauren Spires believe that all school owners should have the opportunity to own an awesome business where you can make a positive impact in this world, change lives, and create financial freedom at the same time!   Having successfully created several incredible businesses, including two schools which quickly grew to generate more than 1 million dollars per year, Duane and Lauren have developed easy to follow systems, video courses, and provide expert coaching so that school owners just like you can quickly profit from these programs in your school!  MAST has been featured in MA Success Magazine, Dojo Digest Magazine, CozTalks, and MAST has been seen on stage multiple times at the world's largest martial arts conference, the Martial Arts Super Show in Las Vegas!  The success of the MAST coaching members across the USA and Canada is incredible! More than 300 school owners have each added between $50,000 - $300,000 to their yearly revenue within the first 12 months of joining this exclusive coaching program!

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