Retention Boosters with Teri Mangiaratti

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Business Building Seminars



We all know it costs much more to acquire a new student than it does to retain one...but how to we get them to keep coming back? Teaching great classes isn't enough! In this session we will tackle all of the big ideas for why our families return week to week and year to year.



Teri Mangiaratti

Teri Mangiaratti

Teri Mangiaratti is the owner and artistic director of In Sync Center of the Arts in Quincy, Massachusetts. In the 27th season, over 1,500 students and 25 staff members flow through the In Sync halls weekly. Teri is also the creator of In Sync Action Plans, providing the preschool lesson plans, skill cards and organizational tools her studio has used successfully for years! Teri's unique combination of business success, practical knowledge, and motherhood give her the well rounded view that resonates with studio owners across the country. As the mother of two teenage boys, Teri works hard to maintain the balance of family life, creative artist, mentor and business owner. She hopes to inspire other studio owners to create a life that allows all things to be possible!

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