Ivan Castillo
Born and raised in Danbury, CT Ivans passion for music and dance has started at a young age.
He was influenced by dancers he has seen in video and in person, which inspired him to train and study dance as a fulltime career. He has performed/trained with several dancers and teachers around CT/NY/LA to help him require the right tools to pursue his dreams. Doing so gave him the opportunity to train with teachers such as Rhapsody James, Fatima Johnson,Doubleup
Company,United outkast. Ivan has also booked and worked professionaly with GoodMorning
America,Reebok,Nike,SNL,Lil wayne, Swizz beatz, and Flo-rida.He is currently on staff at the D'Valda and Sirico Dance and Music Centre. Ivan pursues to Believing in
his dream to be the best version of himself and to share his love/Knowledge for the arts with
others, so they can also have the tools to do so.